Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Pantry Tomato Soup

Today I didn’t want to run to the store. I wanted to cook dinner using what I had at home. I googled “tomato soup recipe from spaghetti sauce”. This came up from “The Seasoned Mom”. The idea of making soup from Spaghetti sauce is probably making you cringe. But it was delicious! And easy! And versatile! I told my kids it was pizza soup (heaven forbid you say tomato). They bought it and some kids even had thirds. Here are some variations:

•the original tomato soup

•with cream and basil

•with noodles (macaroni or wheels)

•with tortellini 

•with turkey sausage bits and broken lasagna noodle pieces for lasagna soup.

•add veggies to liking!


2 T dried onions

2 T dried minced garlic 

24 oz jar of spaghetti  sauce 

4 cups chicken broth 

1 can beans (optional- I used navy beans)

Salt, pepper and crushed red pepper to taste. 

Brown garlic and onions in oil. Add the remaining ingredients. I added cheese tortellini at this point. Bring to boil. Simmer 10”. I made breadsticks to dip in and I topped with a cheese mixture- Parmesan , Asiago and Romano. So yummy!


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